terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2008


Today I decided to write in english just to practice, I went to a CNA school to have a test (I'm trying to be an english teacher) the test was very difficult and I had a lot of doubts ( I think I can't pass) Mr. Carlos (the manager of the school) is very gentle and he said that I cant give up of my dream and if I don't pass I can study a little bit more and try again in another semester lets see...

I really enjoy to come back study but I need to find a new job first so if you know something about it please keep in touch with me OK? I'll appreciate...

That's it for today I'm really busy and I need to study for the final test at the college it is going to be hard too I'm not good in Math and I think I'll have problems in my exam...Please God, help me!!!!!

2 comentários:

Raí Pereira disse...

Tô sempre na torcida viu??
Tanto nos exames da facu quanto por um emprego novo...
Conta comigo sempre...

Pod papo - Pod música disse...

he he ás vezes eu também fico escrevendo em inglês só para treinar mas, nunca escrevi no blog escrevo na minha agenda!
Deus vai te ajudar no teu teste sim!
(eu também não sou boa em matemática).
